Archive for gay marriage


Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , on November 16, 2008 by Joe

[Picture of President Ronald Reagen]

You gotta love Republicans.

They claim a national health care system would overstep the bounds of a federal government. That saving lives would in turn make the federal government far too large, because government just doesn’t work. And then…and then. They get elected to the white house to prove it.

They claim abortion is immoral, and that a fetus’ rights are more important than a mother’s. That forcing a mother to devote her life support systems to a parasite is perfectly acceptable, because it is “life” they are protecting. And then…and then. When you are an adult, you learn of their pro-death, pro-gun, pro-war policies.

They claim Gay Marriage should be made illegal on a federal level, because “God hates fags” and homosexuality is a sin. That homosexuality is “unnatural”, “unclean”, and “evil”. And then…and then. You learn about the sexual orientations of many of their religious and political leaders.

They claim “Reaganomics” is the way to run the economy. That all the money given to the rich will eventually “trickle down” and help the needy. And then…and then. You take a U.S. history class, and learn how Reagan quadrupled the trade deficit, tripled the national debt, and increased the number of people below the poverty by eight million.

They claim Christianity should play a fundamental role in our government. That this nation was founded on Christian morals and Christian values. And then…and then. The old testament, the constitution, the fact that only eight percent of people break away from their parents’ religion. That religion is nothing but an indoctrinating, non-skeptical, non-intellectually demanding, maliciously violent, group thinking ideology of the past. Knowledge of distortion, contradiction, and down-right silliness. They know all this, and yet they continue.

Like I said, you gotta love Republicans.